serving God, serving Community, reaching the World

Brittany graduated at Aberdeen High School in 2009 where she also met her now husband Bryon. March of 2010 they were married, and in May of 2010 they had their first daughter Maddison (Maddie). In June of 2014 the Vicars family moved to Stewartstown PA and still live there currently. In August of 2014 they welcomed their second daughter Charlotte (Charlie). In February 2019 they welcomed their first son Wade.
Brittany has always had faith, but came to the Lord and accepted Jesus Christ as young adult in 2012. In 2018 Brittany heard God's call to work with teens in youth ministry and adults in Celebrate Recovery. In June of 2022 Brittany started attending Faith Community Chapel where she serves in Celebrate Recovery. In June of 2023 God provided a youth group for her to grow right at FCC. In July of 2023 Brittany directed her first Vacation Bible School and fell in love with VBS ministry.
Brittany is currently enrolled in online courses at Hillsdale College where she has earned her certificate in Theology 101: Western Theological Tradition. She plans on furthering her education in biblical studies, and has so many goals for VBS and her Baconators (teens).